Contacts and the media

The Archbishop may be contacted by email at archbishop(at)
When sending an email replace (at) with @.

The Archbishop’s office

The Archbishop’s office is located at Piispankatu 9, 20500 Turku. As part of the renovation of the Archbishop’s house, the mews was remodelled as the Archbishop’s office and to serve as meeting space for the Diocesan Chapter of the Archdiocese of Turku.

The Archbishop also has an office at Church House in Helsinki. Its address is Kirkkohallitus, PL 210 (Eteläranta 8), 00131 Helsinki.


Katri Lautjärvi

Secretary to the Archbishop: Katri Lautjärvi
Contacts, diary and correspondence
Tel. +358 40 480 5897, katri.lautjarvi(at)


Minna Hietamäki

Archbishop’s Theological Advisor, Dr Minna Hietamäki
Public relations
Tel. +358 40 142 5299, minna.hietamaki(at)


Juha Meriläinen

Archbishop’s Theological Advisor, the Revd Dr Juha Meriläinen
International and ecumenical affairs
Tel. +358 40 142 4913, juha.merilainen(at)


Meri-Anna Paloniemi

Special Advisor to the Archbishop, the Revd Dr Meri-Anna Paloniemi
Diocesan affairs, communications
Tel. +358 40 141 6348, meri-anna.paloniemi(at)